An inflating dilemma that is constantly changing and juggling issues is that of the growing music industry. Dozens of questions are surrounding the industry in this day and age of pirated music and overwhelming media attention on pop stars. For most of us who listen to music, which to some degree is most of humanity, the way we obtain, listen to, and share music are undergoing turbulent changes. Changes filled with confusion, denied access, lawsuits, media bowdlerizations, and a grand skewing of artistic and creative control. Mass media corporations such as itunes are drastically altering the way in which we buy our music, and are practically monopolizing the industry as a whole. Hardly anyone buys records from a music store these days.
There are hundreds of sources both offline and online about the current turmoil within this ever-changing institution. Ironically, the same internet that is ripping off musical artists and passing around leaked media is also providing great windows into artist testimonies and news about the subject of today's music. Musicians such as Thom Yorke of Radiohead, who broke from the music industry to self-release their own albums and distribute them as they wished, are leading the charge for disgruntled artists and hipsters across the nation; preaching and increasing awareness about the inevitable "collapse of the music industry". Other artists such as Pink Floyd and Garth Brooks have fought file-sharing juggernauts like itunes over artistic control of their music, battles which shouldn't have to be started. 80's wonder John Mellencamp, and modern artists that are managing to ride the wave such as Jeff Tweedy of the band Wilco, are also speaking publicly about the internal conflicts being faced by the music industry. The point is, all across our land of opportunity, art is being transformed into cold, hard, lifeless business and losing it's human edge.
What exactly is "The industry"?
What does it do?
How does it function?
What impacts and statements does it make on our world?
How is the world affecting it?
How is it changing and are these changes positive or negative?
What will the music industry look like in two years?
How will we listen to and share music?